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July 2023 - Fruit Donation to Elderly Nursing Home

" Sin Tin Toa Home For The Aged"🍑🍎Fruit donation🍌🍊

Fruit Donation by Fruit Delight dispatched a delivery to Sin Tin Toa Home For The Aged in early July 2023, bringing sweetness and freshness to the residents 👵🏻


This time Fruit Delight did not just delivered t

o individual elderly people, but to an entire nursing home, and the residents were with joy when they received the fruits. The event would not be as successful without the help from the staff of Sin Tin Toa Home For The Aged, we would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude to them.


In the future, Fruit Delight will continue on the Fruit Donation, to deliver the sweetness of fruits to our community ❤️



#CommunityAttention # FruitDonation # ShareJoy # Sin Tin Toa Home For The Aged # Community Charity # Guo Yue # FruitDelight #Online Shopping Fruit

November 2022 - Fruit Donation Sha Tin District

“Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Sha Tin Integrated Services Centre”🍊🍋Fruit Donation🍎🍌

Fruit Donation by Fruit Delight dispatched a delivery to Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Sha Tin Integrated Services Centre in November 2022.


Thanks for the arrangement by The Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Social Service, we had donated fruits to low-income families and children before 👧👦. In end of Nov, we have contacted them again and would like to donate fruits to the elderly, therefore we came to Chuen Yan Hui. During the conversation with the elders, the warm smiles on the faces of the elders 👵🏽👴🏽 and the blessings we received, made us more determined in our original intention of donating fruits.


In the future, Fruit Delight will continue on the fruit donation, to deliver the sweetness of fruits to our community ❤️


Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.


#CommunityAttention #FruitDonation #ShareJoy #Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Sha Tin Integrated Services Centre #Community Charity #FruitDelight #Online Shopping Fruit

November 2022 Fruit Donation - Whampoa District

"Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Whampoa Church"🍊🍋Fruit donation🍎🍌

Fruit Donation by Fruit Delight dispatched a delivery to Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Whampoa Church in November 2022.


Taking different parties into consideration, in November we had donated some fresh fruits to those in need. We look forward to delivering warmth to the community, allowing beneficiaries to share the joy of fruits with their families in the cold winter~ 🌟


Although we are distributing some basic items of fruits, e.g. bananas, apples and oranges🍌🍎🍊, we firmly believe that "Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world." Even though our power is not significant enough, we still hope to give back to the society within our capabilities, gather sand into a tower, and make the society to be a better place.


We would like to thanks for the arrangement from the church to ensure the donation to be progress smoothly I am also very grateful to the church for arranging the smooth distribution of fruits. This event received a very good response, so we have agreed with the church that we will go to Whampoa to donate fruits in January 2023


See you then! 😉


#CommunityAttention #FruitDonation #ShareJoy #Tsung Tsin Mission of Hong Kong Whampoa Church #FruitMarket #CommunityCharity #FruitDelight #OnlineShoppingFruit

November 2022 Fruit Donation - Whampoa District

" Tsung Tsim Mission of Hong Kong On Chung Kindergarten – Shui Chuen O "👧👦Fruit donation

Shui Chuen O was surprised to see Fruit Delight’s fruit donation team!


Fruit Delight’s fruit donation team went to Tsung Tsim Mission of Hong Kong On Chung Kindergarten – Shui Chuen O this time to deliver Fruit Delight’s fresh fruits to the children. During the fruit donation, the children were very polite and thanked our staff. The fresh and sweet fruits of Fruit Delight paired with the sweet smiles of children🥰 are a perfect match


After receiving the fruits, the children couldn’t wait to go home and share the fruits with their families. We hope the children and parents will like Fruit Delight’s fruits🥰


PS: We saw an exquisite painting of strawberries 🍓 in the Kindergarten, which reminded me that now is the season for strawberries. Everyone might as well pay attention to the strawberries around you 😉


#Community Attention #fruit donation #Share the joy # Tsung Tsim Mission of Hong Kong On Chung Kindergarten – Shui Chuen O #fruit market #FruitDelight Community Charity #FruitDelight #Online Shopping Fruit






我們相信,"Do the right things, do the things right",凡事都需要循序漸進,從一些細微的地方開始著手,慢慢讓社會變得更好

 #社區關注 #水果捐贈 #分享喜悅 #基督教香港崇真會深恩軒 #水果墟市 #果悅社區公益 #果悅 #FruitDelight #網購水果



剛剛周末一連兩日的好天氣,果悅贊助了百多位運動員參加的🤽‍♂️ "VRC域多利遊樂會香港沙灘水球公開賽2022" 🤽‍♂️,為參賽的運動健兒送贈地捫香蕉🍌,讓他們舒緩緊張情緒並補充流失的體力,在刺激的比賽中增添一點甜。
#香蕉 #VRC域多利遊樂會香港沙灘水球公開賽2022 #水球 #香港運動員 #水球比賽 #地捫香蕉 #Del Monte Bananas #社區服務 #果悅社區公益




這一次他們再促成我們到 葵涌長者互助社探訪。
#果悅FruitDelight #泰國金柚 #葵涌長者互助社有限公司 #宏施慈善基金葵涌社會服務處 #社區服務 #果悅社區公益




果悅 將滿滿的喜悅直送到深水埗!
預祝大家 中秋節快樂🥮



#fruitdelighthk  #分享喜悅 #共享佳節 #柚子 #中秋節 #midautumn#宏施 #社區服務 #社區公益#社區服務 #果悅社區公益




果悅 為您做到最好
其實上星期除了在中環碼頭向愉景灣居民派發香蕉 🍌及介紹果悅服務之外,我們額外捐出 50kg 香蕉予惜食堂 😇😇
未來,我們計劃推出一個恆常安排,捐贈水果予有需要的基層人士,希望除了為客人挑選及送上最新鮮和高質素的水果外, 也將部份的營運收益回饋社會 🥰
細節待定,敬請留意我們的facebook及網頁 😉
#社區服務 #果悅社區公益 #惜食堂 #food angel #水果捐贈 #香蕉 #惜食分餉站